Home » IT & Computer Application » Certificate Courses » C & C++

The Foundation Chapters of your Computer Programming Career

C/C++ is the basics of programming language in today’s world. Both of these languages are considered to be intermediate level language courses in IT, as they form your base or the foundation for laying the bricks of your computer programming career.

How to learn C and C++

Getting a certification in either of these can enable you to begin a professional career. Or else if you wish to be just a freelance developer, you can enroll yourself with a plethora of training centers offering subject oriented classes in these two languages. In all the cases, you must keep in mind that C and C++ both require hard dedication and self- practicing for having a good command over them. How best you can achieve this, would decide the course of your career ahead.

General curriculum information

  • Introduction to C++
  • Object oriented programming
  • Basics of C and C++
  • Working with operators
  • Controlling the flow of programs
  • Understanding the usage of functions and procedures
  • Pointers and arrays
  • Function and operator overload
  • How to reuse classes
  • Virtual functions
  • Templates and exception handling

Courses available

Now-a-days, a number of good institutes offer certification courses, which either focuses completely on learning these two programming languages or have them as an important part of their curriculum. Some of the computer courses are mentioned below:

  • Certification in C, C++
  • Certification in C++
  • Advanced Certification in Programming languages
  • Advanced Certification in Computer Sciences

  • Certification in C, C++
    • Duration:Certification courses can take up to 40-60 hours and are usually conducted in batch classes over weekdays and weekends for convenience. They can be pursued with other courses and jobs. Advanced certification is offered for 60-100 hours and includes thorough understand of computer applications.
    • Stream: C, C++
    • Eligibility: A Certification in C++ can be undertaken after completion of +2 & are available for graduates as well.

The best option is to opt for certification courses, if you genuinely wish to enjoy a fruitful career. A professional certificate will enable you to join an employer instantly, without worrying about whether you will be able to handle practical aspects. All you need to do is opt for a course that offers practical know-how of these advance programs.