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Importance of Information Technology (IT) and Computer Applications in the Job Market

The emergence of IT startups and latest developments in technology industry is opening up new opportunities for specialists in the market. Analysts at the Manpower Group estimate 41% of Indian employers to increase their staff in the second quarter of 2014 which is an improvement of 8 percentage points over the first quarter. This growth is strongly driven by the IT/ITeS, retail and aviation sectors.

The increasing competition and demand for minimizing costs has compelled recruiters in the IT industry to follow the model of ‘just-in-time’ hiring and seek for candidates with specific skill sets. Unemployment has been increasing for the past two years and ILO (International Labor Organization) predicts the trend to continue at a rate of 3.8% this year as well. Looking through the prism of these facts, job seekers with computer engineering or IT background need to equip themselves with the latest technology through different professional courses especially in JAVA, ASP .Net and should look forward to be a part of discussions and programs in Social, Media, Analytics and Cloud (SMAC) sector.

In-Demand IT Certifications

Top IT organizations are increasingly seeking for candidates with skills in software development, computer applications management, virtualization, business intelligence and project management to increase their profitability, reduce risks and make better decisions. In such a competitive market, students are required to boost their educational degrees with IT certifications. Companies have to keep up with the mercurial trends in the IT industry and are looking for candidates who are certified in certain computer languages or applications. The rising demand for certifications in Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA), JAVA, Android Smart Application, Oracle, PHP, C/C++, Windows and SharePoint Server applications are key factors in the latest employment trends.

In-Demand IT Skills:

The explosion of data due to social media and mobility have necessitated recruiters in IT organizations to look for candidates with a strong academic background with excellence in the latest IT skills, acquired from top notch IT institutes and computer application colleges. A bachelor’s degree in IT or computer applications is paramount for students to be visible in the industry. However, companies have started to focus extensively on students who have attained a Master’s degree or have successfully completed essential diploma courses in cloud computing, mobile application and information security. The emergence of cloud computing, Big Data applications and novel security solutions is propelling job seekers to learn these special skills and gain a defining edge over fierce competitors.

Students and professionals are increasingly realizing the importance of a strong technical aptitude and managerial skills. The finest of the engineering institutes and business management schools in Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai and Bihar are remodeling their courses focusing on the rapid developments in the market and training the best engineers in the market. This shows that Tier II and Tier III cities are not lagging behind in providing the best talent pool for the IT industry.