6 Ways to Develop a Good Fashion Sense

Life’s Too Short to Not Turn Heads!

Your style is the most prominent extension of your personality. And while you cannot control how you feel, you are certainly in charge of how you appear to the world. If you are newbie in the world of fashion, it’s never too late to develop a sense of style. Give yourself a chance to learn about what to wear, how to wear, and when to wear, and you can manage to look stunning everyday, without a fail. Want to turn yourself into a fashionista? Take Notes!

1.Keep an Eye Out

Know what’s in! Observe the dressing sense of your favourite celebs, religiously follow fashion bloggers on Instagram and Snapchat, or take some merry time to stalk that one stylish senior who always knows how to look gorgeous.

2. The Subtle Art of Imitating

Choose ‘tried & tested’ over ‘trial & error’. Since you are just beginning, it is safe to copy styles of celebs and fashion bloggers instead of inventing your own unique style just yet.

3. Compatibility, Compatibility!

A stylish appearance is more than just putting on what’s trending. It is imperative that you choose an outfit that matches your body as well as your attitude. After all, looking good is all about carrying your clothes gracefully.

4. Discard

Replace outdated with trending. It may hurt a little to bid adieu to the outfits that don’t fit or suit you anymore, but what belongs to the past must remain there.

5. Get Bold!

You cannot try something new without stepping out of your comfort zone. Revamping your wardrobe and appearance will require you to make some bold choices and let your body be adorned with something you may have never worn before.

6. Be Selective!

Although tempting, going on a shopping spree will certainly not help you turn à la mode overnight. The key is not to buy everything you can, but to buy what complements the occasion and your body.


There is absolutely no reason why shouldn’t be looking stunning today, tomorrow, and beyond. Go slaying!

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